Could your thoughts make you age faster?

Researchers are finding that your mental patterns could be harming your telomeres — essential parts of the cell’s DNA — and affecting your life and health. Nobel-winning scientist Elizabeth Blackburn and health psychologist Elissa Epel explain.

The Playmaker’s Advantage

This post is not about watches – it is about raising your mental game to the next level… summary of a book entitled “The Playmaker’s Advantage” by Leonard Zaichkowsky and Daniel Peterson. In all honesty, after reading this you probably dont need to buy the book! -F

Simplest Way to Get Smarter

Forget the puzzles, games, and mental exercises. There’s an easier way to boost your brain power. Getty Images Sure, exercise is good for your health. We all know that. But exercise is also a scientifically proven way to make yourself smarter. According to Gretchen Reynolds, author of the soon to be released The First 20…

The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time

Why is it that between 25 and 50 per cent of people report feeling overwhelmed or burned out at work? It’s not just the number of hours we’re working, but also the fact that we spend too many continuous hours juggling too many things at the same time. What we’ve lost, above all, are stopping…

Overworked? 4 Signs You Need to Recharge

Take a cue from endurance athletes: Here are four ways to tell you’re about to hit a performance wall. Sometimes it’s obvious we need a break, but in most cases we figure it out too late. When you work double-digit hours and Sundays are no longer a day of rest, feeling overworked can become the…

Should Your Employees Take Naps?

Small businesses increasingly encourage daytime rest to boost productivity and fight fatigue. Sleep experts are applauding. Years ago, Craig Yarde, founder of Yarde Metals in Bristol, CT, noticed his employees—who work in three manufacturing shifts, 24-hours a day—napping on the job. So when he built a new office space in 1995, he threw in a…