How to Get Past Voicemail & Email

Tired of leaving endless, unanswered voicemail and email messages for prospects? Use these tips to get your messages returned. I used to think the problem with getting emails and voicemails returned is that they either didn’t get through (which happens) or the person deleted them (which also happens). But I have found that the tools…

Negotiating for Wimps

How to ask for what you want — and get it. Eleven tips for the confrontation-shy. I admit it. I hate negotiating. (Hate negotiating.) To me, a negotiation always feels at least a little confrontational, and I’m a confrontation-averse kinda guy. Unfortunately, negotiating is a fact of business life. So if you’re like me—a negotiating…

5 Tricks from a LinkedIn Jedi

The man who wrote the book on LinkedIn shares his secrets to becoming an expert social networker. David Gowel has made many career transitions:from civilian to military, from military to academic, and finally from academic to entrepreneurship. Along the way, Gowel used LinkedIn to achieve each step; an experience, he says, that has made him…

Entertaining a Customer? 10 Tricks to Make It Special

Take client entertaining to a whole new level by creating a memorable experience. Your clients will thank you for it. Anyone can pick up a check–and if you spend much time with clients, you probably have. Breaking bread with clients is an important part of the relationship building process. The challenge is making those interactions…

Top 5 Most Common Networking Mistakes

Still trying to tap your network for favors before you’ve offered anything yourself? Big mistake. Everyone tries to network, but few people do it well, often making the same basic mistakes. Here’s what not to do when you’re trying to expand or leverage your network: 1. Try to take before you give. The goal of…